Journey Spectrum

Find Your Perfect Journey

Discover Your Travel Spectrum

The Journey Spectrum allows you to create a starting point on your travel journey. Where are you most comfortable in your travels.

We may look at others and think I want to be doing that, but we all have a time when we require different experiences. There are times when I want to be pampered, I want someone else to take care of the details for me. I want to relax and not worry. If that is the case, then for that trip, I should be looking at trips that fall in the cool spectrum.

Then, there are times when I can turn up the heat. I want to discover places on my own, coordinate all of the details, and be engaged in the entire process. I want the freedom to do exactly what I want when I want, and I am prepared to make mistakes and have small mishaps.

01 Purple

Calm, all details planned, curated adventures, low risk, curated experience

02 Blue

Chill, most details planned, planned adventures, low risk, cultural moments 

03 Green

Easy Going, structured with some unknown, some excursions, average risk, few cultural experiences 

04 Yellow

Active, structured with some unknowns, half the time there are excursions, average risk, some cultural experiences 

05 Orange

Very active, more than average unknowns, lots of excursions, some risk, pretty immersive

06 Red

Fast pace, many unknowns, entire trip adventure, high risk, fully immersive


Travelers in this category want a calm and collected approach to diverse situations, embracing of preparedness. People who want a very planned out vacation. More of a door to door approach. Travel to know places with structured itineraries. Many times someone else is planning the vacation and delivering a 5-star experience. 

  • Offering a calm and planned environment where every detail is meticulously managed, luxury cruises provide curated shore excursions, fine dining, and a consistent level of comfort.

  • Tailored tours in renowned destinations like Paris or Tokyo, where all logistics are handled by experts, creating a stress-free and highly curated experience.

  • Often prefer the calm and structured nature of luxury cruises and private guided tours, where every detail is taken care of, from transportation to accommodation and guided activities.

  • Professionals who wish to unwind or conduct informal business in a relaxed, luxurious setting might choose these options for the seamless experience and high-quality service.

Purple Travel Articles


Those leaning towards blue display an adaptable and open-minded attitude, ready to dive into the unique experiences each destination offers. They want to start to learn how to travel. They can book airplanes, cruises, local travel, hotels. 

  • Structured trips to culturally rich cities like Rome or New York, with pre-planned itineraries including museum visits, historical tours, and some leisure time.

  • These often include fixed itineraries with a mix of planned activities and free time, allowing travelers to experience the culture with some guidance.

  • Individuals who are just beginning to explore international travel might opt for cultural city breaks and organized group tours for their structured approach, which still allows room for personal discovery without overwhelming logistics.

  • Seeking cultural enrichment and educational experiences for their children, these families find structured itineraries in culturally rich cities or organized tours very appealing.

Blue Travel Articles


Green represents travelers who enjoy a balance of planned activities and the opportunity for spontaneous exploration. They like to do some research ahead of time but prefer not to be overwhelmed by too many details. These travelers seek adventures with a defined limit, enjoying a mix of excitement and relaxation.

  • Explore breathtaking destinations like Costa Rica or New Zealand, where you can immerse yourself in nature through a variety of organized and self-guided activities.

  • Adventure Parks: Visit places that offer thrilling outdoor activities such as zip-lining or kayaking, along with comfortable accommodations for a complete experience.

  • This group often seeks dynamic travel experiences that blend thrilling activities with opportunities to explore independently.

  • For those who prefer vacations filled with physical activities but still within a safe and managed environment, the combination of structured and impromptu adventures fits perfectly.

Disney Land

Green Travel Articles


Representing a sunny disposition, yellow travelers are open to spontaneity and find joy in the unexpected twists of their journeys. Travelers have some travel experience, yet they yearn for more. They are willing to try new experiences, yet a full blown adventure seems a little beyond reach. 

  • Planned routes with a mix of known and spontaneous stops, exploring regions like the American Southwest or the coasts of Portugal.

  • More structured tours with activities like hiking or snorkeling, allowing for some spontaneity and cultural experiences.

  • Young or middle-aged couples looking for a balance of adventure and structure might find road trips and small group adventure tours appealing as they offer the flexibility to explore while providing some planned activities.

  • A group of friends eager to create memorable experiences together might choose these travel styles for their blend of adventure and the chance to bond over shared experiences.

Yellow Travel Articles


Travelers in the orange category radiate warmth and enthusiasm, embracing cultural nuances and forging connections with locals. They are able to adapt to difficult situations and environments. The unknown is a challenge not a burden. An orange rating will require the traveler to make their own arrangements piece by piece. The cost savings will be huge because they don’t rely on a travel coordinator. Yet the responsibility lies within their group.  Many times there are uncomfortable moments during these trips. 

  • Independent travel through various countries, staying in hostels and engaging deeply with local cultures.

  • Adventurous trips such as hiking the Inca Trail or exploring the Himalayas, where travelers arrange their own details and face the unknown.

  • Typically adventurous and budget-conscious, these travelers relish the challenge of navigating foreign environments independently, making backpacking trips and self-planned trekking attractive options.

Orange Travel Articles


The pinnacle of readiness, warm red travelers are seasoned adventurers, adept at handling challenges and fully immersing themselves in the vibrant tapestry of global experiences. They can do hard things. Packing in a backpack is no problem. Many transfers on public transportation is expected. Locations that have barriers such as language and accessibility is met with enthusiasm.  Many times there are unknown’s if plans will pan out or not. 

  • Traveling to remote destinations like Antarctica or the Arctic, where the journey is as adventurous as the destination itself.

  • Trips to isolated locations, often involving camping or staying in minimal lodges, fully immersed in the environment and culture, with a high degree of unpredictability and self-reliance.

  • Those with extensive travel experience who thrive on high-adrenaline and high-risk activities will find the unscripted nature and the challenges of expedition cruising and remote wilderness adventures fulfilling.

  • Professionals who seek to escape the predictability of their daily lives might embrace these extreme travel forms for the profound sense of adventure and disconnection from the ordinary they provide.

Red Travel Articles